2012年1月28日 星期六

Age Under Thirty, the Eighth Sin?

"I won't  hire those under thirty. ........They are irresponsible, unwilling to do hard work. " As mr. Jiang blastes the youngsters uhder thirty during a magazine interview, Strawberry Generation then become widly discussed and consecutively reported. Strawberry Generation is used to labeled  people born in 80"s, even in 90's, with some bias traits: low endurance, low stabliity, hendonism as well as hylicism, selfish man, and having high degree but inept. However, I consider these sterotypes  partially off the fact and misunderstood in two aspects.First, Strawberry Generation is  originally used to describe people in Taiwan born in 70's, "post-baby-boom" in another term, by a Career Magazine maneger due to their extremely various values. This phenomenon is not distinct in Taiwan but in other nations with different names. Those born in 70's are called "Generation X" in America, "New Human" in Japan, and "Generation 386" in Korea. Their existence represents a generation gap and sturs an arguement around the globe.

Second, the 70's doesn't resemble the 80's as well as the 90's in job transference. The 70's often changing occupations at will directly relates to the bubble economy time, a period that numerous companys and factories from financial field to technology industry all need emloyees frantically. Thus, elders cannot stand their low stability and low endurance and irresponsibility, labling  these youths as Strawberry Generation. Yet we 70's and 80's transfer our jobs frequently for we face a dilemma on work declination instead. For the quantity of work, it is a common pratice that we born in 80's and 90's hardly find a job, let alone obtaining a career which meets our interests nowadays. For instance, there was always an opportunity for the office worker  born in 70's getting a promotion due to the large demands on infrastruction and human resource at that time. Contrarily,  we youngsters nowadays pound the pavement hard end up being refused by employers with a reluctance to hire  "strawberries." For quantity of work,  de-skilled labor with no need to have complete technique strangely defines one with high degree.We can find numerous people with master degree making a living as salesmen, college students moonlighting  to earn penut salary......etc.

To sum up, I consider what Mr.Jiang strive to emphasize is the importance of having right attitude instead of the working age.It is the mass media that puts off the topic and exaggerates his reluctance of hiring whose age is under thirty to make this news more appealingand provoking. Actually, I think Mr. Jiang tried to say those with strawberry-generation traits are more likely to be eliminated than those under-thirty youngsters in the workingplace.Just like Mr. Jiang emphasized,"Atttitude is everything! " 

